威尼斯人在线为首次入学的学生提供各种各样的奖学金. 威尼斯人在线根据申请流程将它们列在这里, 大学将根据你的入学申请确定自动奖学金, 到需要你打电话咨询信息的私人奖学金. 请浏览所有这些页面,看看你有什么资格(例如, scholarships for your intended major, or for scholarships from your hometown).
入学奖学金的申请截止日期为5月1日,以保证奖学金的发放. 5月1日后完成入学申请的学生, 奖学金将视资金情况而定.
这些页面上列出的标准是为威尼斯人在线的首次学生提供的初始奖励. 要查看您获得的奖学金的续期要求,请访问 Scholarships for Current Students.
Please note: The downloadable .PDFs are 508 compliant.
威尼斯人在线为首次入学的学生提供各种各样的奖学金. 威尼斯人在线根据申请流程将它们列在这里, 大学将根据你的入学申请确定自动奖学金, 到需要你打电话咨询信息的私人奖学金. 请浏览所有这些页面,看看你有什么资格(例如, scholarships for your intended major, or for scholarships from your hometown).
The President's Scholarship and Admission-Based Freshman Scholarships are mutually exclusive; they do not "stack" and cannot be combined.
The President's Scholarship and Admission-Based Freshman Scholarships are mutually exclusive; they do not "stack" and cannot be combined.
Award Amount (fall/spring):
The President's Scholarship and Admission-Based Freshman Scholarships are mutually exclusive; they do not "stack" and cannot be combined.
Award Amount (fall/spring):
The President's Scholarship and Admission-Based Freshman Scholarships are mutually exclusive; they do not "stack" and cannot be combined.
Award Amount (fall/spring):
Maximum Award:
Award Amount:
Award Amount (fall/spring):
The Northwest Pathways Scholarship is a $1,500美元的年度奖励提供给入学的第一代新生,至少有2.高中平均绩点75,毕业于四州地区的精选高中.
Award Amount:
Eligibility: American Indian or Alaska Native, Asian, Black or African American, Hispanic/Latino, Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander, U.S. citizen or a graduate from eligible high schools. Non-immigrant students are not eligible. 欲了解更多信息,请致电660与奖学金和财政援助办公室联系.562.1363.
Graduates of the following Missouri 高中也可以申请多元文化奖学金.
Award Amount (fall/spring):
Award Amount (fall/spring):
威尼斯人在线为首次入学的学生提供500美元的奖学金,如果他们的家庭在密苏里省学费(MOST)计划中以学生的名义建立了一个账户. 将提供25个不可续期奖学金. 家庭将负责提供至少两年参加MOST计划的文件,提交MOST的声明,表明学生的活跃账户. 此文件,包括学生的西北身份证号码,必须邮戳不迟于 March 1. 接受者的选择将根据需要,由FAFSA的结果确定. Please indicate on admission application.
Documentation should be sent to:
The Office of Scholarships & Financial Assistance
Northwest Missouri State University
800 University Drive
Maryville, MO 64468
Or faxed to: 660.562.1674
被考虑申请由各个校园部门颁发的各种奖学金, 鼓励学生每年完成标准奖学金申请. 这些奖学金由西北基金会、院系和私人捐助者资助. The Standard Scholarship Application is available September 1 through February 1, 奖励决定在二月份进行, 奖学金将在下一学年发放. 学生可登入至完成申请 CatPAWS,单击“学生”选项卡,然后选择“标准奖学金申请”框.
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